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Wednesday 6 January 2010

Finalists from Aesthetica's Creative Works Competition 2009

Aesthetica’s Creative Works Competition is an internationally recognised event that projects critical insight into the fast paced contemporary art world, making it easier for artists to connect with new audiences from across the globe.

This interchange of inspiration and ideas creates an infusion of creativity, which activates the audiences to take an in-depth approach when appreciating the artwork. With such a wide representation of different mediums, the Creative Works Competition is an excellent opportunity to enhance one's representation and therefore helps to build and maintain artists' profile.

Championing new talent in the genres of visual arts, photography, poetry and fiction, the Aesthetica Annual is a publication that will stir your imagination.

Whether you’re a budding poet, superb sculptor, storyteller or an arts enthusiast, the Aesthetica Annual provides a platform to gather inspiration and to get those creative juices flowing.

The Aesthetica Annual reflects art’s greatest power: to comment, debate and analyse the times in which we live. Inside this collection there are 96 artists and writers that span nationality and age, offering a true insight into the creative zeitgeist of our times.

Please have a look at our artists' work, you can do that by clicking here.

Aesthetica's Creative Works Competition 2009 Finalists:

Levan Urushadze - Art
Rain Is Coming

Merike Sule-Trubert - Art

Mia Funk - Art
The Audience

Paul Bursnall - Art
Red Corner

Elissa Ramsay - Art
Sin City

Michael Gutteridge - Art
Peveril of the Peak No.4 (at night)

Emma Gamble - Art
Of Things To Come

Jacob Kulin
Glass II

Salman Alhajri - Art
The Beauty of Arabic Calligraphy Compositions 3

Sally Spedding - Poetry -
Winning Entry

Owen Lowery - Poetry
New Two-Tone Brogues

Lynn Roberts - Poetry

Matt Bryden - Poetry
Come Above Ground

Gill Learner - Poetry
Banged Out

Sharon Black - Poetry
No Magician

Jenny Powell - Poetry
Last Summer

Alan Markland - Fiction
A Cold Wind

Hazel Aduna - Fiction
The Sunchild of Poggie Rom

Louise Beech - Fiction - Winning Entry
Learning To Breathe

James Cole - Fiction
One Piece At A Time

Mary Ann Zammit - Fiction
My Son, my past


Sally Spedding said...

Thankyou, Aesthetica! A really exciting poetry win for me. Have really enjoyed reading and looking at all your other winners' and finalists' work. With such originality and passion, there's hope yet...
Looking forward to my Arvon course in July - Writing for TV - more excitement. Thankyou again.

Michael Gutteridge said...

Thanks for shortlisting my entry Aesthetica and including my work in the Creative Works Annual. In the photo I submitted here, I tried to give a nod to the winning entry and the cover of the annual. The cat was impressed, anyhow. I have an exhibition at the moment until March 10 at Mooch Gallery in Manchester where a copy of the shortlisted painting is shown. Thanks again.

Michael Gutteridge

Louise Beech said...

I get the Annual out (one is a flick-through copy and one is the special, put-away, never to be creased copy!) on a regular basis and read again all the beautiful stories and evocative poetry and look through the incredible photots and works of art. It never fails to inspire. And I will never, ever forget how it felt to read my name as the winner. I really won't.

Ruth Killoran said...

Great to get my sculpture shortlisted. I knew it had something quite unique about it and now people are taking me seriously. There is so much talent here in NZ it's hard to get your work noticed.......I have your Annual next to my piece in a gallery at the moment and it's getting a lot of notice.....and my sculpture :)
Ruth Killoran

Anonymous said...

I think that the Aesthetica Creative Works Annual is one of the best anthologies that I've seen in a long time. It's though provoking, engaging, and beautiful. I strongly recommend that you add it to your collection. I wasn't included this year, but nonetheless, I feel like reading the Annual gives me an insight in to current works being created today. Somehow, I feel it creates a community that transcends place. I just love it!

Anonymous said...

There is a chines saying " we are loving in a world of interesting time" this true after seeing this creative work. each day the creativity is increasing. thanks for sharing this info with me!

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GED said...

What an inspiration!

Elliott Broidy said...

Great collection you have here.

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