Curated by Amak Mahmoodian, Bi Nam is a group exhibition exploring image and identity in Iran. This is the first show in the UK representing the work of a group of contemporary Iranian photographers.! The photographic and video content of the show explores the cultural and social life of modern Iran, with an emphasis on religion, gender and identity.
Bi Nam means “without name” in the Persian language. Using a structure that evokes the classic Middle Eastern collection of stories One Thousand and One Nights, Bi Nam explores the subtleties of everyday life in contemporary Iran and specific codes of conduct that influence a person’s mood, behaviour, relationships and sense of self.
There is an undertow of sadness and longing, but also one of beauty, love and devotion. Amak Mahmoodian, describes the exhibition as; “quiet thoughts from modest photographers for whom the essence of culture is in the display of their works.”
Bi Nam, 21-04-2012 until 12-05-2012, Ffotogallery, Turner House, Plymouth Road, Penarth, CF64 3DH. www.ffotogallery.org
1. Hadise Hosaini
2. Sharare Mossavi
3. Roz Golestani
4. Mohsen Shahmardi
All images courtesy the artist