Curated by Fraser Muggeridge, the Rich Mix show will bring together 22 of the country’s finest graphic design graduates, showcasing their portfolios and introducing their work to London’s design community. This eclectic exhibition encompasses stimulating traditional graphic design, including posters and packaging through to vibrant and exciting conceptual pieces.
Working in collaboration with Pentagram, emerge will also present a unique take on the London Design Festival’s poster exhibition at the V&A; the results highlighting the response of young talent in comparison to that of established designers. Not only a face-off between the industry’s leading designers and new graduates, the emerge poster display will form the basis of the inaugural emerge graduate award, with one winning graduate poster design to be selected by the V&A show designers.

The emerge graduate award, to be announced at a London ceremony on Friday 25 September, will annually award outstanding innovation and excellence in graduates, while raising awareness of the importance of young designers. emerge will also invite graduates to submit postcard designs, with all entries to be showcased on a postcard wall – ensuring that every graduate in the country will have the opportunity to present their work as part of the London Design Festival.
As well as introducing cutting-edge design work to the London Design Festival,
emerge encourages development within the creative industries, and the show will be supported by a series of lectures, talks and portfolio clinics with young designers and industry leaders. Highlights are set to include lecture ‘b inspired’, sponsored by the Bridgeman Art Library in which three designers talk about the inspiration behind their work, and the ‘My Way’ event, in which young graphic designers discuss their route to success, from graduate to professional, with portfolio critique and advice.
For more information please visit www.thisisemerge.com.
For more on design please read our blog on chairs.
All images (c) the artists.
hi this is lauren.
thanks for posting my Gwiz work! but would have been nice if someone had told me?!
will done lauren nice job :D
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